EMS Body Contouring
Professionals fit electrical muscle stimulation machines on the body, which signal muscles to contract and relax, simulating the effect of sit-ups and other calisthenics. Also, by applying controlled electrical impulses to muscles, induces contractions, which can assist in muscle development and toning.
Radio Frequency Skin Tightenning
Non-invasive body-contouring treatments powered by radiofrequency (RF) have emerged as a potential solution for patients interested in: ā Reducing skin laxity (looseness) to improve the appearance of excess or sagging skin; Sculpting, tightening, or toning the skin Increasing cellular metabolism, lymphatic drainage, and circulation; Streamlining body contours; Smoothing and firming the texture of the skin; Boosting collagen production; Decreasing the circumference and volume of the targeted treatment zones; Minimizing the appearance of cellulite (unsightly skin dimpling); Reducing stubborn fat pockets.